My story begins in India where I studied high school, undergraduate and graduate school education. I came to the United States to pursue my studies in education. Being an immigrant, I have lived my life through informal and formal experiences and education. My grandmother, Dr. L. Madan ( Phd Sorbonne 1929 ; D.Lott. SOAS London 1936) inspired and mentored, me from a very early age to follow in her footsteps in the field of academia and higher education.

My years of experience and dedication to Graduate education is demonstrated in my years of teaching, direct student mentoring, research, and publishing, conference presentations, both nationally and internationally, and applying immigration theory. One unique aspect of my work includes the creation of a film on my published dissertation. In addition, the education degrees that I bring include two Master’s degrees and a Doctorate of Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. I have applied this knowledge of immigration theory, identity and diversity to develop good civic education and mentoring of future educators. I have also dealt with conflictual messages between school and home/parent settings.

Bindu Chawla